Mantle Meme Maven
Every week, we will select the best Mantle meme creators.
How to enter:
1. Post your memes on X with the hashtag #MantleMaven
2. [Important] Post a link to your meme in the "mantle-memes" channel on discord
Create Mantle, mETH Protocol, MNT, cmETH, mETH, COOK and/or the Mantle Autumn Games.
Mantle Content Kings
Every week, we will select the top Mantle creators based on quality, relevance, creativity, and engagement.
How to enter:
1. Create tweets, threads, Youtube videos, TikToks, blogs, art, or anything else!
2. [Important] Post a link to your content in the #mantle-content channel on the Mantle Discord.
Focus on creating content relevant to whats happening at Mantle, mETH Protocol, and the Mantle Autumn Games. Find inspiration and references:
Select members will also be rewarded the "Creator" role to access our upcoming creator community.
(you can not earn multiple roles for the same piece of content. Submit something unique for each role on guild)
Mantle's Most Engaged
Every week, we will select the most engaged, helpful, and impactful community members from the Mantle Discord.
How to enageeeeeeeee:
Actively contribute to conversations and the culture of the community, share insights, ask thoughtful questions, and support others.
TLDR: Add value to the community and build relationships!