Follow Tanssi’s VP of Engineering on 𝕏
Tanssi just welcomed Stefan — ex-Parity legend, now leading the tech charge at Tanssi as VP of Engineering
👉 Follow Stefan to stay in the loop!
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Proof of Forkin’ Legend
TheLet’s Forkin’ Launch Tanssi community sale has officially ended. No new participants can join—but if you took part, you can now claim your Forkin’ Legend role.
This NFT isn’t just a collectible—it’s proof that you were here first. That you helped launch Tanssi.
Claim your role. Claim your place
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TΛNSSI Pioneer ∞
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Forkin' OGs
To be eligible for the Forkin' OGs role, you need to either hold any Season 1 NFT or have a block-producer, lead-ambassador, ambassador roles on the Tanssi Discord
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