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Nudibroncs is an open world 3D video game with objectives ranging from collectibles, upgrades, battles, and player progression. Tame wild nudis and build your collection of cute creatures. Customize them with special accessories or upgrade them with the help of nodies. Battle other players in game or with Nudi Stats cards (NFTs). You can raise the stakes by putting Nudis, NFTs or accessories on the line. This guild is dedicated to nudibroncs and encouraging the growth of the community

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Nudibroncs is an open world 3D video game with objectives ranging from collectibles, upgrades, battles, and player progression. Tame wild nudis and build your collection of cute creatures. Customize them with special accessories or upgrade them with the help of nodies. Battle other players in game or with Nudi Stats cards (NFTs). You can raise the stakes by putting Nudis, NFTs or accessories on the line. This guild is dedicated to nudibroncs and encouraging the growth of the community

Requirements to qualify
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This website is open-source, and built on the Guild SDK