Verified seeker
You are informed about the search for mythological creatures and never stop learning new things about the peoples of the world.
Experienced seeker
You've been out on your expedition and had your first sighting. No one can tell you that Mythical Beings don't exist!
Elite seeker
You have sighted some of the world's most elusive creatures, the so-called Specials. You are one of the world's elite cryptozoologists.
You are not a novice. If you go on a quest, you equip yourself first with everything you need to ensure the success of your mission. Achieve this level by hoarding Mythical Beings in-game tokens: GEM and GIFTZ.
DAO Member
You are part of the worldwide network of cryptozoologists, the Mythical DAO. You take part in the organisation of expeditions, you spread the knowledge you have acquired, you are in the thick of it.