Pie Analyzoor #1
Welcome to the first round of the Pie Analyzoor competition.
Registration: Get the role to participate. The role acts as your registration. You need to do it only after your first cast on our channel
Competition Duration: Lasts two weeks, form 28th of May to 11th of June.
**Point System**:
Earn 100 points for each post.
Receive a 200-point bonus for high-quality, informative content.
**Quality Content Criteria**:
Include multiple screenshots showcasing metrics.
Mix metrics to highlight their interrelationships and provide deeper insights.
Offer concise, insightful descriptions.
Highlight useful platform scenarios and present a coherent narrative.
**Evaluation Criteria**: We will focus on the quality and merit of content over social engagement metrics like likes or comments.
**Competition Duration**: Lasts two weeks.
- **Rewards**:
The top 3 participants get Layer 2 Analyzoor merchandise designed by growthepie.
All participants receive a POAP for future rounds and rewards.
You need to fill out the form you got as a reward in Pie Analyzoor #1 to get registered.